What it's all about

    So here’s our deal: we’re not some big corporation trying to gouge you - our super classy motto is “hey, don’t be a dick.” We started this as a community thing - we charge you the least, you get the most playing time, plus our reputation is having the best social people actually get to know each other instead of a bunch of pre-existing cliques. We are players too - and I dunno, we just got tired when leagues advertise “social!”… but then each pod of 5 friends just stick with themselves and no one hangs out and charging you a ton for that. Ew. Gross. No. So! You'll find a much wider group of humans here. We’ll take care of teams, t-shirts, all that annoying planning stuff. All you gotta do is signup and show up on the night you choose!

  • Lowest cost AND most playing time in NYC
  • Actually a welcoming social scene - not just team cliques
  • No aggressive dude-bros! Because, like, it's KICKBALL. Relax.
  • Seasonal charity drive YOU choose
  • Weekly after-parties with drink specials and (optional!) team bar games
  • All about just having a good time - by all mean try hard! - but never getting angry
  • Costume theme weeks, trophies for friendliest team, best bar gamers, and champion team name engraved on The Sandlot Cup

FALL 2024 brooklyn wednesday KICKBALL

Wednesdays in Brooklyn

Dates: Sep 18th - Nov 6th, (No Games Oct 2nd)
Time: 1hr+ games, 7pm
Location: Prospect Park Park Parade Grounds - Lit Ballfields

For Who?: Any athletic (or lack of!) level. Maybe I’m awesome at sports, maybe I suck! But I’m the type to be cool win or lose. I’m not here for “Grrr! Hardcore kickball! (if that’s even possible?); I’m here because I wanna run around, get sweaty, meet folk. Because it’s a kids game after all! Maybe I miss childhood nostalgia, or maybe just need some positive human interaction in the city. Ages 21+


Early Registration: July 25th - August 24th
Late Registration: September 1st (You may not get your shirt on time)
Registration Ends: Space limited

Solo or Small Group:
Early: $80 Regular: $88 Late: $99
Full Team or Company Team:
Early: $1200 Regular: $1450 Late: $1700

- Welcoming new people is, like, kind of our thing. So don’t worry; you’re not in any weird place socially joining solo. We don’t bite!

Small Group
- 2-5 players
- Max 4 returners
- Groups of 3 can all be one gender; Groups of 4 or 5 must be mixed
- Have more than 5? Find a few more for a Full Team or break into smaller groups!…no worries: we’re all at the same field and bar regardless

Full Team
- 12+ players
- Min 5 of genders
- Flat fee regardless of how many players

Company/Alumni Team
- 12+ players
- No max roster size: have as many as needed to ensure min 10 present weekly
- Min 5 of genders
- Teams offered 1 (optional!) veteran to join you. Like as a social liaison - so you’re not in your own little clique! Recommended!

Well I’m glad you asked! Most leagues: you never really interact much during games - you’re in different dugouts. And that kinda sucks. Our very adult response to that? Fuck that! You’re getting more than a 6 inning kickball game! Before each match, there will be mini side games…you know, something to get to know the other team a bit. Maybe giant musical chairs to determine home team, or mini dodgeball game, limbo, oreo eating contest, etc…And then another sportsy mini game for a “3rd inning stretch.” Why be in a social sport if it’s not social? Unless like, you’re in it because you’re a super competitive and angry testosterone bro at…um…children’s playground kickball? Yeah, don’t be Angry Sports Guy. For sure we love people trying as hard as they can! Fun to dive everywhere! But we’re laid back win or lose at the end of the day. Hey, that’s you! There will be costume themes, and we’ll go to a bar after. Good times all around.

What it's all about

  • Lowest cost AND most playing time in NYC
  • Actually a welcoming social scene - not just team cliques
  • No aggressive dude-bros! Because, like, it's KICKBALL. Relax.
  • Seasonal charity drive YOU choose
  • Goofy mini non-kickball side games throughout the night so you actually meet everyone
  • All about just having a good time, not getting super competitive
  • Costume theme weeks

Rules in Brief

  • 7 innings or 1 hour
  • No walks or strikeouts, so no incentive for pitcher to be a goober...gotta just roll it nice and kickable!
  • No bunting. Because kickball. Kick the damn ball.
  • Before game starts there will be a different quick mini-game each week to determine who's home team - like an icebreaker. (But more importantly to get to know the other team!)
  • "3rd inning stretch" mini game too - to mingle with the opposition so you actually make some friends!
  • "Pitchers hand" will end the play
  • Games can end in a tie!
  • Your seeding in regular season determines playoff match up, but honestly the biggest deal is the Social Championship!

*To our gender minority friends: It’s wack that our 3rd party registration doesn’t offer options for ya beyond “Man” or “Woman”. Sorry bout that. But know you are seen - and you are welcome here! Just let us know how you’d prefer to be identified when you signup and we got you!


REFUND POLICY:  No refunds generally speaking.  I mean, you can't buy an ice cream and return it because you don't like it.  We've already got shirts ordered and schedules made!  That F's us up and more importantly, the season/your team up!  On top of that - we're already the cheapest league in the city, man.  We gotsta pay the bills here! If you had a poopy time or a scheduling conflict we can maybe offer you league credit to a different one of our league options next time.  I mean, we're not gonna be a dick - you get hit by a car and show up in a full body cast, yeah, we'll give you a refund, sign your cast, and send you tear stained get well cards.