Social and Sports calendar

What it's all about
    "So like, what am I walking into here? What happens? What is true happiness?”

    Good questions! First things first, these are open to the public to play. No strings attached like you gotta sing up for a league or anything. Come and go as you please, come late or leave early. It's a pop in when you want to join us thing!

    Maybe you haven’t played these games since you were 10 - or ever! - or maybe you’re an all star from another city. And that’s fine! We got all different people, skills, professions…kinda looks like a college brochure in there honestly - and we dig that.

    When you walk up, it’s not gonna be some awkward “now what I do?” thing.
    A) we’ve got new people every day so you’re not in any weird place socially and
    B) We’re gonna come up to you, introduce ourselves, explain how the game works and get you set. Then let everyone know “Hey, everyone, this is Rachel and Brian, they’re new!” and get you playing…not in a “ single you out” way, but in a “hey, be cool, and show em the ropes!” way.

    No one's gonna feel out of place athletically - if you're great or you can't throw or catch to save your life. Like for instance in dodgeabll, there’s a side for more laid back and a side for more sportsy, so whatever you feel comfortable with!

    If you dig it, you can sign up for a league to join the community in earnest, or just keep coming to pickup games. If you don’t? No worries. No one’s going to playground sports prison.

    Pickups are Free if it’s your 1st time or if you bring someone! Pickups are also free if you're a: First Responder, Hospital Worker, Lady, School Worker, and/or a Veteran,

Indoor Dodgeball

What it's all about

    "So like, what am I walking into here? What happens? What is true happiness?”

    Good questions! First things first, these are open to the public to play. No strings attached like you gotta sing up for a league or anything. Come and go as you please, come late or leave early. It's a pop in when you want to join us thing!

    Maybe you haven’t played these games since you were 10 - or ever! - or maybe you’re an all star from another city. And that’s fine! We got all different people, skills, professions…kinda looks like a college brochure in there honestly - and we dig that.

    When you walk up, it’s not gonna be some awkward “now what I do?” thing.
    A) we’ve got new people every day so you’re not in any weird place socially and
    B) We’re gonna come up to you, introduce ourselves, explain how the game works and get you set. Then let everyone know “Hey, everyone, this is Rachel and Brian, they’re new!” and get you playing…not in a “ single you out” way, but in a “hey, be cool, and show em the ropes!” way.

    No one's gonna feel out of place athletically - if you're great or you can't throw or catch to save your life. Like for instance in dodgeabll, there’s a side for more laid back and a side for more sportsy, so whatever you feel comfortable with!

    If you dig it, you can sign up for a league to join the community in earnest, or just keep coming to pickup games. If you don’t? No worries. No one’s going to playground sports prison.

Location: Manhattan, Little Italy, St Patrick's Youth Center Gym
When: Offseason 7-8:30pm, confirm on the calendar
Fee: $10 cash, $12.50 venmo
Setup: We have 2 courts, so we’ll rotate around - everyone getting to meet each other and play with and against each other!
Playing Time: 1.5 hours (more when there’s a huge crowd!)
Balls: Old school rubber playground balls


Outdoor dodgeball

Location: Manhattan, SoHo, Vesuvio Playground
When: Spring and Summer 6-7:00pm, confirm on the calendar
Fee: None (But we accept donations)
Setup: 1 giant court drawn out in chalk on the blacktop, we mix up the teams all night so everyone meets (and plays with!) everyone else
Playing Time: 1 hour (plus more if you stick around!)
Balls: 7.0 Foam Balls or 8.5 Rubber Balls


What it's all about

    For who?: All genders! Everyone and their grandma. Honestly, there a lot of kickball leagues, but not many (any?) kickball pickup game options in the city!

    This one is as laid back as it gets - you know, not taking a CHILDRENS GAME OF KICKBALL seriousy. We do a lot of special rule tweaks just to maximize the funsies and lessen the "GRRRR. BUT I WANT TO WIN AT AN AFTER WORK PICKUP KIDS GAME!" vibe. Like no strikeouts, losing team gets extra outs...stuff like that. Point being whether you're awesome or you can't throw or catch you're good to go here. It's a laid back fun night.

    Most importantly though - most kickball leagues are pretty cliquey - which makes sense - each teaam is in it's own dugout. Not easy to interact. But to make sure we actually get to meet each other we'll also do little mini, ya know, like, summer camp mini icebreaker games before kickball starts. Sure makes the bar better after when everyone's on a name basis already!

Locations: Prospect Park - Parade Ground / Queensbridge Park - Back Lit Ballfields
When: Spring, Summer, Fall Offseasons 6-8:30pm, confirm on the calendar
Fee: None (But we accept donations)
Setup: Outdoor grass field under the lights. Not just a faceless “each team in their own dugout'“ thing, we’ll do mixer games to meet each other too!
Playing Time: 1 hour (more when there’s a huge crowd)


Adult recess

What it's all about

    For who?: All genders! Everyone and their grandma. This is our fastest growing event and maybe the most fun I've had since 3rd grade. For everyone out there that loves the idea of well organized games, but doesn't want to deal with scores and standings and all that bullshit

    Each week we play different schoolyard games: Kickball, capture the flag, musical chairs, dodgeball, cornhole, kan-jam, spike ball, 4 square, tag

    A night with all the laid back just-here-for-funsies of 13 year olds at school recess, but, you know, without all of the bullying puberty hormones.

Location: Queensbridge Park - Back Lit Ballfields
When: Offseason 7-8:30pm, confirm on the calendar
Fee: None (But we accept donations)
Setup: Gorgeous grass park by the river. Think of School Field Day as a kid…we’ll play a mix of games from capture the flag to freeze tag. “Adult”
Playing Time: 1.5 hours (more when there’s a huge crowd)