The Community

Some of the people and groups who made Sandlot, well Sandlot!

This a space to celebrate them and shine some light on their passions.

We also want this space to celebrate you. This page will always be a work in progress as we try to highlight past and present Sandlotters.

Let us know your passions and we'll add them. Might take a bit but we’ll get them here.


These are the people in our community that take our awesome photos (the blurry ones are mine… my bad)

Bhaggertyphoto - Bridget was one of our photographers. Our flyers? That’s her! Here’s an early video (Sorry I couldn’t make it a smaller size) Check her out

Self Portrait Project - Andy has been a staple of NYC dodgeball before Sandlot. Here’s a Soiree photo (A large Soiree photo) Check them out

Nick Tan Photography - Our current photographer and karaoke ace. Here’s a photo that’s super(sized) Check out his website

Stay tuned for more additions